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Appreciating Hard Work

If you're looking to reward your young wrestler for all their hard work this past month, take them to see the movie Ralph Breaks the Internet. I just watched it with my kids and it was so gooooood!!!!

Youth wrestling activity

If your wrestler is a bit older, Coach Willy Dahms said Creed 2 is amazing!!!

Youth wrestling in Kansas City

Make sure you let your athlete know that you notice and appreciate their hard work in practice. The tournament schedule starts next weekend and things will get extremely busy and stressful until March.

Wrestling is hard. The expectations are high. The practices are tough. The competition level is insane in this area. The season can be a constant beat down for a reward that may or may not materialize this season.

So don't forget to slow down every once in a while over the next few months and tell them good job...and win or lose...don't forget to add in a "work harder" 😉

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