Yearly Charity Event

Greetings Hammers, this year for our annual charity event we're donating to a local church that works with the homeless and families that are below the poverty line.
They are in desperate need of tarps and sleeping bags this year to sleep in as the cold months come. So I'm asking that each Hammer family try to bring a tarp or sleeping bag to practice sometime next week so that we can do something positive for the community. If you are blessed this year, then bring in more than one. Buy every dang one that Walmart has and we can make sure that every person and family down on their luck that has to sleep on the streets can be warm. There's also a food item list if you would like to bring any of these items in:
Pinto Beans (dry not canned), Rice, Cereal, Pasta, Jars of Spaghetti Sauce, Canned Tuna or Chicken, Ramen Noodles, Canned Fruit, Canned Soups (pop top lids), Canned Vegetables, Peanut Butter, Crackers
We have done work with this church in the past and they are an absolute inspiration and have shown again and again how important it is to give to others and love fellow human beings, expecting nothing in return.
Here's a video of the church in action helping those less fortunate with food, showers, and free hair cuts.
So let's get it done Hammers. These people have a need and we are a solution.