Teaching Style
In teaching technique, we use what is called the "upside down method." This means that the advanced group's technique videos are posted to our Facebook page before practice. This way athletes have a chance to watch the videos and have a basic understanding of what is going to happen. This also allows them to replay, or watch multiple times if they are struggling to grasp concepts. If they don't have time to watch the videos directly after school because of homework or other scheduled activities, we highly encourage them to watch the videos on the drive to practice.
Then at practice, they'll watch a live demonstration with a coach / wrestler showing it, and then have more time to really figure out the concepts and how they apply to their style of wrestling. This style of teaching is how we are able to keep our practices short and intense. It also covers several learning mediums: the videos help the visual learners, or anyone struggling to understand what's happening since they can replay it over and over, the live demonstration helps visual and auditory learners, and then drilling helps the kinesthetic / body movement learners.
Not only does it have scientific value in learning mediums, but using videos before practice also means that the athlete is exposed to the technique twice as many times as traditional wrestling clubs.
To see our technique videos, check out our YouTube page, or see our teaching style in action in our Facebook group:
Training Style
At Team Hammer Academy, not every day is a "grind your face into the dirt" training style day. Our days are broken up into heavy conditioning/weight training, light conditioning/heavy technique/recovery days and then Review + Yoga days to promote flexibility and really make sure the week's technique was being absorbed correctly.
If everyday is an "in your face" high intensity scream and cry day, the youth athletes will not last in the sport. Also, they are more worried about being yelled at then actually learning. That's not to say we don't have intense days, but we make sure that the athletes are recovering properly, avoiding injury, and are lifelong learners and lovers of the sport. We really don't care if your kid is a 6&under champion. We look out for their long-term mental and physical health and help them develop championship habits on and off the mat.
It's a marathon, not a sprint.